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Senate Passes The Firearms Act (Amendment) Bill, 2018

The Senate at its plenary session of Tuesday, 27 November 2018, passed the Firearms Act (Amendment) Bill (SB 489). The Bill seeks to increase the imposition of fines for offences in the Principal Act, provide for the destruction of firearms imported illegally into the country or in the possession of individuals without valid licenses.

Presenting the report, Sen. David Umaru (APC:Niger), Chairman of the Committee on Human Rights, Judiciary and Legal Matters informed the Senate that the Committee had taken into consideration the submissions of the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Hon. Abubakar Malami, representatives of the Nigerian Law Reform Commission, the National Human Rights Commission(NHRC), the Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (NIALS) and the Nigerian Bar Association(NBA) in making its findings.

In addition, he stated that stakeholders present at the Committee’s hearing had unanimously supported the bill noting that the bill, if passed, will:

  • Allow for the creation of a central coordinating body through the Office of the National Security Adviser that will be responsible for the coordination of confiscated and seized firearms; and
  • Strengthen efforts geared towards the control of illicit and illegally imported arms into the country;
  • Review upwards the fines provided in the Principal Act;
  • Bolster public confidence in the government’s effort in the fight against proliferation of illegal firearms;

Sen. Umaru stated that the Committee had amended the following Sections of the Principal Act:

  • Section 27(2) which deals with Fines and Penalties for Offences
  • Section 28(3) which deals with the Production of Licence
  • Section 35(4) which deals with the Powers of the President to Prohibit Possession and Dealings in Firearms

Sen. Umaru then recommended the passage of the Bill on the basis that it will curtail the proliferation of arms. Following his submissions, the Senate unanimously adopted and approved the committee’s recommendation after which the bill was passed.

Click here to view the full report of the Committee







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