Thu, 04 Jul 2024 // 06:20 (GMT +1)
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House of Representatives Condemn Rape and Violence Against Women in Nigeria

The House of Representatives condemned recent acts of rape and violence against women and girls, as well rising cases of same across the country at its plenary session of Thursday, 4 June 2020.

Presenting a motion titled “Incessant Gender Based Violence Against Girls and Women Across Nigeria” at the session, Hon. Olarotimi Agusoye (APC: Lagos) noted with concern, the steady increase in the reported cases of sexual and domestic violence against girls’ women across the country. Citing the recent killing of  a teenager, Tina Ezekwe by a Police Officer, the rape and murder of university student, Uwa Omozuwa in Edo state and  the rape of a minor in Jigawa State by 11 men, Hon. Agusoye stated that majority of rape cases are never concluded nor are there successful convictions of accused persons. He called for the strengthening of laws in Nigeria to protects the rights of girls’ and women.

Other lawmakers who spoke in support of the motion called for an immediate response to the crisis stating that perpetrators of any form of violence against girls’ and women constituted a threat to the society.  For instance, Hon. Nkeiruka Onyejeocha (APC: Abia) called for the strengthening of institutions that protect rape victims against stigmatization and urged the Inspector General of Police to improve the investigative systems and procedures of the Nigeria Police Force. Hon Lynda Chuba-Ikpeazu (PDP:Anambra) noted that women are treated like chattel and trash in Nigeria, and that many people do not understand that rape is a violent act against women, therefore the National Orientation Agency (NOA) should be asked to create wide sensitisation on the issue.

Following the debate, the House of Representatives resolved to:

  • Urge the Inspector General of Police to immediately cause investigations into the cases of Tina Ezekwe, Uwa Omozua, the reported rape of a of minor in Jigawa State as well as and other reported cases of violence against women in a bid to bring the criminals to justice;
  • Urge the Federal Government to launch a more effective campaign against rape and other violence against women and girls; 
  • Mandate all Members to Dress in Black at the next sitting in solidarity against death of Tina, Uwa and other victims of rape and other violence against women and girls in Nigeria.;
  • Mandate Members to observe a minute in honour of Tina, Uwa and other women who have died as a result of rape and other police brutality;
  • Mandate the Committees on Woman Affairs, Human Rights and Justice to present a Bill on amendments to laws that deals with cases of gender based violence;
  • Urge all State Government to domesticate the Child Rights Act, VAPP Act and Anti-Rape Laws;
  • Urge the House of Representatives to declare State of Emergency on Gender Based violence in Nigeria;
  • Call on NAPTIP opens a Register for Convicted Rapist and make public their names and photos;
  • Urge the Judiciary to speedily address all inconclusive rape cases; and
  • Urge the FG to provide test kits for rape victims in all primary healthcare centres across the country.

The Senate at its plenary session of Tuesday, 2 June 2020 debated a similar motion titled “Increased Brutality and Rape of the Girl Child” moved by Sen. Sandy Ojang Onor (PDP: Cross River) and resolved to do the following:

  • Condemn the killing and call for the immediate arrest and prosecution of the perpetrators of these unwholesome acts;
  • Urge the Federal Government to stage a campaign against the increased brutality and rape of the girl child;
  • Call on Security Agencies to take proactive measures to checkmate these unfortunate occurrences;
  • Call on State House of Assemblies to ensure enforcement and amendments of the Penal Code Act and Criminal Code Act in their respective States to make the penalties for rape cases more stringent.


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