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House Calls On Mr President To Rescind The Executive Order To Remove, Revoke And Banish All Firearms Certificates And Licences Throughout The Country

The House of Representatives at its plenary session on Thursday 30th May 2019 urged Mr. President to rescind its decision to remove, revoke and banish all firearms, certificates and licenses throughout the country in the interest of the Nigerian People. The House was of the opinion that the implementation of the Executive Order would leave Nigerians vulnerable to the activities of mindless criminals, terrorist, bandits and kidnappers and strip them of their right to life and self defence.

Presenting the Motion of Urgent National Importance, Hon. Nnena Ukeje (PDP: Abia) stated that insecurity which was once confined to the North East at a time as a result of insurgency has spread across other geopolitical zones in various forms. She also highlighted an increase in the number of deaths resulting from terrorism, kidnapping, banditry and other violent crimes in recent times.

Speaking further, Hon. Ukeje stated that President Buhari had signed an Executive Order banning all firearms certificates and licenses across the country in response to local and international outcry on Nigeria’s security situation. However, she expressed concern that despite his best intention, the ban would target legal gun owners while failing to have an institutional framework to mop up small arms and light weapons which are at the epicenter of these crimes. She also stated her convictions that the high number of illegal guns was responsible amongst other factors for the increase in crime.

Some lawmakers such as Hon. Munir Danagudi (APC: Kano) however questioned the veracity of Hon. Ukeje’s claims by demanding her source of information on her acclaimed facts. Hon. Edward Pwajok (PDP: Plateau) supporting the motion nevertheless appeared to put the matter to rest by affirming that it was safe to conclude that the Order was issued since it was widely reported and since the Federal Government had not refuted it. He asked why the President would issue such a far-reaching order to deprive law-abiding citizens of the right to protect themselves and warned of its potency to throw the country into chaos.

Following this debate, the House therefore also urged President Buhari to sign the Bill seeking to establish a National Commission Against the Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons as it would act not only as a domestic law but fulfill Nigeria’s treaty obligation to curb the inflow of illegal weapons. However, the said Bill has not been passed by the House of Representatives, having only read for a second time on 30th May 2018 before its referral to the Committee of National Security and Intelligence for further legislative input. As at the day of this report, the committee has not presented any report on the bill to the House for consideration and passage/ adoption.


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