Focus Areas
PLAC operates within these focus areas:

PLAC engages with the Nigerian legislature to enable it better interface with citizens and civil society groups so that they can satisfy the demands of constituents and citizens. PLAC also works on activities intended to promote the effectiveness of the legislature. This it does through capacity building programmes, development of legislative resources such as work-plans, operational manuals, report writing manuals, and legislative agenda. PLAC works with various Committees of the legislature especially in its priority areas of finance, appropriation, electoral and constitutional reform. PLAC also works with these committees on pro-poor reform Bills and provides technical assistance on legislative activities such as public hearing and oversight, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) relations and engagement.
PLAC works to strengthen the credibility of the electoral processes through support and engagement with the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), CSOs and other election stakeholders.
PLAC’s Engagement with the electoral process in Nigeria is primarily through its Nigeria Civil Society Situation Room project.
PLAC hosts the secretariat of the Situation Room and is a member of its steering committee. The Situation Room is a coordinating platform for civil society engagement on governance issues. It is also a platform for information sharing among civil society groups working on elections and topical national issues. It intervenes in the electoral process by promoting collaboration, proactive advocacy, and rapid response to crises in the electoral process. The Situation Room provides a forum for advance planning, scenario building, evidence based analysis, constructive engagement with various stakeholders in the electoral process and observation of elections.
PLAC works with citizens and citizens groups to make demands on the legislature and hold elected officials accountable to the people. Civil society groups are provided with skills and advocacy tools to enable them to better pursue the realisation of their advocacy goals with the legislature and the government at large.