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Senate Passes The Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation Bill

The Senate has passed a Bill that will repeal the Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC) Act, 2004 and enact the Nigerian Tourism Development Authority (NTDA) Act, 2017

Presenting the report at the plenary session of Thursday, 19 October 2017, Chairman of the Committee on Culture and Tourism, Sen. Matthew Urhoghide (APC: Edo) informed the Senate that the main objective of the Bill was to promote economic growth, private partnership investment and reposition Nigeria’s tourism industry to a more vibrant sector.

Sen. Urhoghide stated that the NTDC, which was passed in 1992, sought to improve amenities and facilities built for tourism in Nigeria. Nonetheless, the Act was no longer in tandem with present day realities and international best practices in the tourism sector as a result of some inadequacies.

He urther mentioned that the Committee had adopted a legislative framework that allowed for the conduct of a public hearing to provide the public with an opportunity to make input on the proposed legislation and that most views expressed were in support of the Bill. According to him, the bill, if enacted will:

  • Develop policies and strategic plans on tourism that guide the operations of relevant agencies;
  • Enhance tourism principles which promotes opportunities for economic growth and;
  • Assist the tourism authorities to set fundamental short-term and long-term targets.

Lastly, Sen. Urhoghide noted that the Committee had amended 7 Clauses in the Bill before recommending Senate’s approval of the report.

Notably, the Senate adopted 6 out of the amended 7 clauses as it voted against a Clause on Tourism Development Levy. The rejected clause provided that “20% of Tourism departure levy be paid by all travelers leaving the country at a rate to be prescribed from time to time by the Authority”. Although the clause was explained to be for the promotion of domestic tourism, Members of the Senate were of the view that the amount payable was not realistic.


Click here to view the full committee’s report


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