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News Article

Nigerian Senate

Senate Passes Bill to Prohibit Discrimination Between First Degrees and Higher National Diplomas (HND)

The Senate at its plenary session of Wednesday, 2 June 2021 passed the Bill seeking to prohibit discrimination between First Degrees and Higher National Diplomas (HND) for the purpose of employment and promotion in public service establishments and the private sectors in Nigeria.

Presenting the report of the Joint Committees on Establishment and Public Service Matters; and Tertiary Institutions and TETFund, the Chairman, Sen. Ayo Patrick Akinyelure (APC: Ondo) stated that the Bill allows for accelerated career progression of persons that are stagnated due to the discrimination between holders of First Degree and HND in Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs); and in the private sector.

Speaking on the highlights of the Bill, Sen. Akinyelure explained that the proposal to provide equity in educational qualification and prohibit all forms of discrimination and dichotomy between First Degree and HND was laudable, noting that a cross-section of stakeholders at the public hearing unanimously supported the Bill, as it will address the barriers placed on promotions in the public service.

In his submissions, Sen. Akinyelure stated that the Bill comprises of 6 sections:

  • Section 1 which deals with “Equity of First Degree and Higher National Diplomas in Nigeria”
  • Section 2 which deals with “Prohibition of Discrimination between First Degree and Higher National Diploma”
  • Section 3 which deals with “Offences and Penalties”
  • Section 4 which deals with the “Power to Receive Complaint (and) Duty to Report”
  • Section 5 which deals with “Presumption”; and
  • Section 6 which deals with the “Power to Prosecute”

According to Sen. Akinyelure, the Bill if signed into law, will ensure fairness, social justice and enhance cooperate governance.


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