House Passes Six Electoral Amendment Bills For Second Reading


  The House of Representatives has passed six Electoral Amendment Bills for second reading after a short debate on “A Bill for an Act to make provisions to cover the lacuna in the event of the Death of a Governorship Candidate any time before the Conclusion of an Election(HB 429) and A Bill for an […]

Senate To Pass Law Prescribing Capital Punishment For Kidnapping


The Senate at its session on 4th May, 2016 unanimously agreed to pass a law prescribing capital punishment for kidnapping after considering the report of its Joint Committees on Police Affairs, National Security and Intelligence on the “Unfortunate Recurrence of Kidnapping and Hostage-Taking in Nigeria.”. It will be recalled that the Senate had mandated the […]

Senate Cautions Media On News Reportage


The Senate has cautioned the media against misrepresentation of facts in its news reportage. Sen. Dino Melaye (APC:Kogi) drew the attention of the chambers to a front page headline of a media house that allegedly misrepresented the Northern Senators Forum resolutions at its meeting which held on Wednesday, 4th May 2016 in Abuja. Raising the […]