House Passes Six Electoral Amendment Bills For Second Reading

The House of Representatives has passed six Electoral Amendment Bills for second reading after a short debate on “A Bill for an Act to make provisions to cover the lacuna in the event of the Death of a Governorship Candidate any time before the Conclusion of an Election(HB 429) and A Bill for an […]
Senate To Pass Law Prescribing Capital Punishment For Kidnapping

The Senate at its session on 4th May, 2016 unanimously agreed to pass a law prescribing capital punishment for kidnapping after considering the report of its Joint Committees on Police Affairs, National Security and Intelligence on the “Unfortunate Recurrence of Kidnapping and Hostage-Taking in Nigeria.”. It will be recalled that the Senate had mandated the […]
Senate Cautions Media On News Reportage

The Senate has cautioned the media against misrepresentation of facts in its news reportage. Sen. Dino Melaye (APC:Kogi) drew the attention of the chambers to a front page headline of a media house that allegedly misrepresented the Northern Senators Forum resolutions at its meeting which held on Wednesday, 4th May 2016 in Abuja. Raising the […]
Sectoral Debate: Minister Of Industry, Trade And Investment Addresses The House On Diversification Of The Economy

The Sectoral Debate on Diversification of the Economy continued at the House of Representatives plenary session of May 5th 2016, with the Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Mr. Okechukwu Enelamah who made a presentation on how the Ministry intends to implement policies that would address the economic challenges in the country. During the […]