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Economic and Social Effects of Public Emergencies on Vulnerable Groups, Especially Women and Disabled Persons

PLAC Publication: Economic and Social Effects of Public Emergencies on Vulnerable Groups, Especially Women and Disabled Persons

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Economic and Social Effects of Public Emergencies on Vulnerable Groups, Especially Women and Disabled Persons

This report produced by Policy and Legal Advocacy Centre (PLAC) with support from the European Union Support to Democratic Governance in Nigeria (SDGN) project, presents the findings of the assessment of economic and social effects of public emergencies on vulnerable groups, particularly women and persons with disabilities in Nigeria. The primary objective of the assessment is to highlight the social and economic impacts on vulnerable individuals and households of the National Government’s use of its exercised emergencies powers by declaring lockdown during the initial phase of the COVID-19 outbreak, to curtail spread and protect the public health and wellbeing. The assessment covers issues related to economic and social conditions, including employment and income impacts, household needs for basic items and their access, impacts on children’s education and learning activities. It also addresses issues related to their exposure to shocks related to the pandemic, safety nets and their coping mechanisms, as well as availability and accessibility of assistance and support.

See document here: